Building America Requires Breakfast
When Wendy’s launched breakfast. They were looking for ideas for how to get some traffic into stores and try their breakfast. Along with breakfast being launched, there was also the whole pandemic. (You probably noticed.) Well one group of essential workers seemed to be overlooked and they deserved our praise and some delicious breakfast…along with cool swag. The workers out there building America!
Credit where credit is due: I actually stole the line “Building America” from my brother. Which is his response whenever I ask him what he’s doing while he’s at work. He’s not wrong.
Agency: Strategic America
CDs: Randy Belcher & Bruce Ganzer
CW/AD: Kasey Baker-VerMulm
Account Managers: Randy Driesen & Rob Schreurs
Wendy’s Late Night Promo
It’s the classic battle of the birds, night owls vs. early birds. Whichever avian you identify with, Wendy’s has you covered. Serving ALL creatures, day and night. We delivered some creature comforts to local closers: Wendy’s-branded ear plugs, great for factory workers or people that have to try to sleep amongst the noisy early birds. A glow-in-the-dark coffee cup (Night Fuel) to help them stay awake.
This is America. Land of the free. Home of Wendy’s. It’s time we normalize eating late.
Agency: Strategic America
CD: Randy Belcher
CW: Kasey Baker-VerMulm
ADs: Kasey Baker-VerMulm & Hyeree Ellis
Account Managers: Randy Driesen & Rob Schreurs